Love story

A sweet love story of Tanay and Lipi

A sweet love story of Tanay and Lipi

“Crowded”. . . Lipi slapped his son on the cheek.

Because Tanay proposes to him.

– Script, please fall on your feet, slap another.

Lipi thought the monkey didn’t get shima after taking a slap. So he killed another. Crammed

– Thank you, dude. I wouldn’t get married if I hit one. So I told him to hit another. Two marriages are married. And the marriage will be with you.

– Are you so stupid? I don’t love you And Beto is far away

– You don’t have to live. I’ll sit down. I love u ..

. . . . Tanay and Lipi were introduced from college.

Now they are on the same varsity. Just as there are quarrelsome quarrels in the friendship of the two, there is also laughter, kanka feteria, they could be seen together everywhere in the chat. It would not be wrong for many to think of them as couples. Anyway, today Tanay proposes to him

Has …

But the girl did not.

Tanay can’t understand why he didn’t do it.


Lipi logged on to Facebook at night. I saw the status of my son.

Tanay writes —

“Friends, I’m getting married soon. I got two slaps from a girl today. Feeling lungi dance” Lipi laughs. Well crazy! He started reading the status comments.

The comments are as follows:

1. Have a party.

2. When will such a girl join my destiny?

3. Dude, take a painkiller. The pain of the slap is great. I also ate at one time. . . .

4. Who slapped you? Tanay replies, “He will see this stasis in Mars and Fitch Fitch Ha”

I was really smiling after reading the script status and comments. He did not remember what he went to give a comment.

He hurriedly turned off the laptop. ***

Tanay is now intuition. He repeatedly checks on Facebook to see if the script-like comment is anything to go by! But Nah did not. Lipitor is not supposed to do that.

– You see, brother. I can’t do this calculation.

– Well, explain.

– Are you worried?

– Nowhere.

– Your cheeks look red! What’s the matter

– She’s nothing, sister. Girlfriend slaps Marseille.

– Alas! Why?

– Propose so. He was killed.

– Hehehe. It doesn’t matter. Ignore the first.

– Hmm, that’s what I’m looking at. What do you say?

– Hang out with another girl for a while. In order to fall in the eyes of the sister. Apu will then burn and look at him with poisonous eyes.

– Wow, that’s a good idea. So you hang out with me for a while!

– Me ?? No no. I can’t.

– Nothing will happen. Let’s go one day. – Pretty much. I will come back to your campus with a college hoax.

– Script, can I have time in the afternoon?

– Where are we going?

– In the market. – You go. I don’t have time.

– Look at the script, you’ve never made an excuse before. Can you do this with me lately?

– Damn ashes! I am still the same as I was before. Goes now. There is work.


Tanay and Nidhi have been seen roaming the campus for some time. Nidhi is his student. Tanay’s close friends know the matter. Lipi goes to Hasan and says, “Look, Hasan, is Tanay hanging out with a lazy girl! Can you stand it?”

Hasan says, “Why be lazy? Very smart. It suits both of you very well!”

Lipi thinks, “Actually, the girl is not lazy! So is Tanay with her …” No, what is Lipi thinking about all this !! ***

Tanay and Nidhi are having tea in the cafeteria and the two are chatting. The script notices the matter sideways.

– That son, will you have time in the afternoon? Nidhi says, “Apu sit down. Order coffee.”

– Damn ashes! Keep your coffee! Son, will it be your time?

– Where are we going?

– In the market.

– You go. I don’t have time.

– Look, son, you’ve never made an excuse before. Can you do this with me lately?

– Damn ashes! I am still the same as I was before.

Get out of here now!

– Well, I went. The script angrily leaves. Nidhi says, “Look brother, sister is burning.”

– Hehe. It’s burning.

*** sweet love story of Tanay and Lipi

At night, the son changes the status of the relationship. IT’S COMPLICATED… The script makes it cry. He calls his son.

– Yes, say the script.

– Who’s that girl? Do you love him

– I don’t know. Listen to my wedding market but you have to. Your choice is good. The script cried louder this time.

– Kiri Kadis Can? Balsi to market the wedding. I did not say to jump into the fire.

– Son, I love you.

– Hmm, I know. So I didn’t say that day !? – Hey, I just made fun of it. Did you know that you will fall in love with another girl?

– Hehe. Why am I less again? Nidhi is my student. I have been acting for so long.

– What? Can you be so naughty? If I was in front, I would have made your cheeks red.

– Shut up. But you have to do the wedding market

– Started again?

– Hey dad, our wedding market! My mother likes you very much.

*** Today is their night. What is the meaning of the night of the bus! Gives son status,

“FRNDZ, today is our yay night. Yay night means yay night! What a prayer.”

Friends commented, “I pray that your wife doesn’t slap you tonight.”

Lipi comments with laughing emo, “No, I won’t slap him today. I’ll give him so many puppies today.”

There are many likes in this comment. Tanay laughs. The script also smiles. On the other hand, friends also smile when they see this naughty love.

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A sweet love story of Tanay and Lipi


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