Blogger TipsSEO Tricks

Blogger Website Hard SEO In Just Five Steps

Blogger Website Hard SEO In Just Five Steps

Bloggers and webmasters use one-on-one search engine optimization to increase the number of visitors to their web pages. Search engine optimization is usually done in two ways.

  • White hat SEO.
  • Black SEO.

In fact, SEO / search engine optimization is such a huge thing that it can’t be done in one day. Experienced bloggers-webmasters are also seen to adopt their own approach to increase the visitors to their web pages. Today I will tell you the 5 easiest and most effective steps of SEO / search engine optimization. We hope you enjoy the post.

 SEO / Search Engine Optimization – Step 1

Choosing the right keyword: You don’t have to write a beautiful post. If you want to get good visitors and SEO in the right way, the precondition is that you write the thing, select the right keyword, write the keyword-based post. The question is how to choose the keyword ?? Hum: In simple Bengali, we have to search on Google to find something, that is the keyword.

Now all the words that the reader can use to find out from the search engine you write are called the keywords of your post. I think you will write a post about fruit juice. The words that the reader can use to get your post out of Google are “fruit juice, juice making, etc… etc…”
And today there are many websites that will help you choose keywords.

SEO / Search Engine Optimization – Step 2

Use of keyword in the title: I think we have found the keyword research. Now we will add that keyword to the title of the post. Remember that this step is very important to stay ahead in search engine rankings. You can do the reason yourself. See, when you search by typing something, you will see in the result that you get, you will find that keyword in its title. Understand how important it is to use keywords in the title if you want to improve your SEO / search engine optimization rank.

SEO / Search Engine Optimization – Step 3

Use of keyword in the subtitle: To write a post on Blogspot, you have to write the headings, sub-headings in the right order, and use the keyword in the sub-headings to increase the search engine optimization rank. It will benefit 2 o’clock. Your writing will look nice and, the use of keywords will be much more highlighted, at the same time the search engine optimization rank will increase. But don’t forget to go through this step. Every step is important for search engine optimization or SEO.

SEO / Search Engine Optimization – Step 4

Use of keywords in the post: You know how important it is to use keywords in a post to hope for the beginning in the list of search engines. I hope I don’t have to say anything new. In short, if you want to write a powerful SEO / search engine optimized post, you need to increase the keyword density in the post. Because the more keywords are used in the post, the better the search results will be. Keyword presence is present in 1.5% -4.5% of posts that comply with a good quality SEO / search engine optimization.

SEO / Search Engine Optimization – Step 5

Write a post longer than 300 words: If you write a short post now, even if the keyword density is higher in that post, your post will lag behind the larger post. To stay ahead in SEO / search engine optimization you must write large and many keyword-rich posts. Then the chances of getting many visitors increase. And the idea for this is a large post of more than 300 words.

Note that the post should not be short. Search engine optimization is a very creative thing. If your thinking style is better than mine, then you must be ahead of me in SEO or search engine optimization.
Stay well stay healthy. And stay with us all the time

Blogger Website Hard SEO In Just Five Steps

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