Windows PC

Do you know the functions of a computer?

Do you know the functions of a computer?

What is the function? These 12 buttons at the very top of the computer keyboard work differently. From Windows to Mac, they are used differently for different operating systems. In most cases, there are 12 functions but in some cases, there are additional fn keys. The function of each function key is different. Take a look at the function of each of these keys in the case of Windows. know the functions of a computer
For most software, it acts as a help button. Windows’s own help key is F1.
This is a shortcut to rename a highlighted file or folder. In the case of Microsoft Word, alt + ctrl + f2 is used to open a document.
This button works on Windows desktops. In DOS mode this button will return the last line you typed.
In the case of Windows Explorer or Internet Explorer, this button works to open the address bar.
Alt + f4 is used to close the active window at once.
This button works as a refresh for any browser.
In the case of Microsoft Word, the Find, Replace, Go To dialog window can be opened at once with this button.
know the functions of a computer
This button moves the cursor to the address bar of any browser. In the case of some laptops, the volume can be reduced with this button.
This button is used to check spelling and grammar in Microsoft Word and Outlook.
In the case of some laptops, the volume can be increased with this button.
This button is used to open Windows in Safe Mode. Some computers can start Windows Recovery System with this key.
In the case of Microsoft Word, this button works as a refresh. In the case of some laptops, the brightness can be reduced with this button.
This button opens the menu bar for any active Windows. In the case of some laptops, the brightness can be increased with this button.
The full-screen mode can be activated with this button in any browser. On some computers, hidden partitions can be activated with ctrl + f11.

This key is used to save a file in Microsoft Word.



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