Click Click – Cloud Boy (Love Story)

Click Click – Cloud Boy (Love Story)
Every day my mother says the same thing. “Do you go to college late every day?”, “If you eat something in the morning, you will feel hungry”.
And my answer is the same. “Hey, it’s getting late, I’ll eat before tomorrow, mommy.”
I go to college and do hapus-hupus classes. Then I went to the next park, to take photos, with my DSLR. Sometimes to take pictures of birds, sometimes to take pictures of monkeys called friends.
Like every day, I went to take pictures on July 26, 2015. With Bandhan, Faisal, Arif. Arif’s luicchami started after leaving! Which girl is cute, how many angles the veil is wearing, all this. Then their eyes were fixed on a handsome girl.
Faisal: “Marhaba marhaba! Mashallah!”
Stopping: “Militant Detected!”
Faisal: “Dhyaar bata. You don’t understand the tension of a Hindu girl or a Muslim girl.”
Arif: “Dude!”
I: “Why?”
Arif: “I’m talking to your grandfather.”
I: “Ah! Say it.”
Arif: “Please don’t take a photo of the girl”
I: “Which girl? Who are you talking about?”
Arif: “Put on 2 more glasses! That pink
I used to take pictures of the girl in the color dress
One. Then I will eat 1000 rupees in cash. ”
I: “Ah! This matter.”
Binding: “I think this bank will be suppressed by the sun”
Arif: “Look, my friend, the girl noticed
But … ”
I: “Dhyara! Let me do it.”
Then I went in front of the girl.
I: “Yeah aye …”
Girl: “Yes! Me?”
I: “Yes I mean yes you!”
Girl: “Say it”
I: “No, I would take a picture of you.”
Girl: “Yes ?!”
I: “A brush?”
Girl: “Okay, get up. Wait and sit down.”
— Click Click —
I: “Hmm. I picked it up.”
Girl: “Wow, that’s pretty good.”
I: “Thank you very much.”
Girl: “Wait, take my ID. It’s hard to tag.”
I: “Ah! Thanks.”
Then I and the other 2 Abul played Arif’s treat. But I have one
Feeling we have ‘Run out of gas’ emotionally. The girl’s ID name was: ‘Blue Grasshopper’.
As soon as I entered the house, I copied the pictures on my laptop and entered Facebook. A profile picture with a picture of the girl, and there the girl really looked very beautiful. I tagged him and uploaded the photo. 5 minutes later his commented, “Thank you, your picture is Josh”. Then the picture was shared 51 times! I realized that friends prefer pictures of girls from nature!
Everyone is sharing and writing, “Attention! Amago Bhabhi! First in Soum Life is taking a picture of a girl. That means it’s Amago.
Think! ”The girl had two cute eyes under her glasses, a facial toll, a pink-and-white dress – all in all I really fell in love with her!
The girl inboxed me.
Girl: What are you doing?
- Me: That’s it … I’m sitting.
- Oh! But the picture has been beautiful!
: Hmm, you don’t have to see anyone’s picture!
- : Hahaha!
- So what are you doing?
- I just listen to music while lying down.
- Which song?
- Once you don’t have the ball, you don’t have anyone.
- Yes madam !!!
- Hey, songline.
- Oh yes hey hey!
- Can you see me tomorrow?
- Yes? Hmm, let’s try.
- What do you mean by trying? Are you, female I’ll be in the park for you and you can’t come?
- For me! Come on! Tell me what time?
- Arrived at 5 o’clock. And come back after the prayer.
- Okay. So what’s your name
: Sir, after picking the fruit you are now asking what the name is! Haha! I am Kana.
- : Oh good name!
- Go sleep, let me sleep too.
- Going. Stay well.
- Hmm, you too.
The next day at 4 pm I went to the park and showed up. With Arif and Ronnie. I went to the park and hugged Arif. That’s why I’m crazy today.
Then my rehearsal started. I fell in love with someone first in life. I am practicing how to take the heart out of the girl’s chest.
Arif: Bull bull! If you have a heart attack, when will your body pump blood ?!
Me: Ah bull number 2! I just gave a parable.
Arif: Listen, I didn’t tell my daughter before. See if Heida has Meyer’s feelings first.
Me: Hmm, that’s right.
Ronnie: Look, I’ll sit next to him first. Then come to Sea Shell Restaurant, eat something, go to Maya Pate.
Suddenly he called for prayers. I remembered that I had to go to prayer. I ran to the mosque. Arif and Ronnie L. After the prayers, I came to the park and saw Kona sitting. A female bodyguard is coming along. Alas!
I approached and looked at the corner and said “Hi”.
Kona: This is my mother.
I: (O Allah! Forgive me) Oh Assalamualaikum Aunty!
Aunty: Walaikumussalam wa Rahmatika!
Kona: Mom, this is …
Aunty: Hmm, I understand this is Soum.
Me: Yes Aunty!
Aunty: So why is the father standing? Sit down.
I was going to sit next to my aunt politely.
Aunty said loudly: “You fool, go and sit next to the corner.”
Me: (Oh my God! Mom is coming to advocate for me) Yes, I’m sitting.
I am sinking to the ground in shame and the mother-daughter ends up laughing. I noticed
Aunty said to Kona, “Then you talk, I’m gone.”
Me: Aunty, let’s get you ahead.
Aunty: Fool, you stay with him. That’s why I’m going.
Me: Let’s stay that way today.
Kona: All right.
Click Click – Cloud Boy (Love Story)
*** February 14th, 2018 ***
Kona called. Today I used to call him. However, the girl called at 12:03 pm to stay on the bridge. God! What kind of crazy is that!
Went over the bridge. With lots of blue roses (love people don’t have to measure/count anything). I went and saw Kona standing there. She looked so beautiful that I forgot who I was and where I was and looked at her. I went to him. Said, “What time is it?” I said, “Oops! Sorry madam it’s late.”
Kona looked at the roses and said like a child, “Wow! That’s beautiful! Are these for me?”,
“Yes, madam for you”.
I pressed her cheek a little and grabbed the flowers. In this 6 month relationship, I have come down from ‘you’ to ‘you’. Nothing more happened. But today something must happen. Konar’s next target is Jamuna Future Park.
Next target but not a militant attack brother!
Then I went with him to JFP. I see his eyes on the ride outside. He told me, “Let’s not get on the ride.” I’m scared! My life is half over when I hear the screams of the people on the roller coaster! If you get up, life will not be anything! I also took 2 tickets to make Kona happy.
I got on the roller coaster pushing the corner excitement. After the rollercoaster was launched, I realized why Kona wanted to get on it with so many rides. He was actually sitting to my right and holding my right hand.
And he was screaming so loudly that I forgot to be scared!
The ride is over.
Kona said, “So, Happy Valentine’s Day. What else can I do?”
I: “Nah … what else can I do …”
Kona: “So I went, Ta Ta.”
I: “Kona, listen …” Kona stood up, turned her face, and looked. Said
“Say it.”
Me: “Kona, I’m actually you …” Kona’s eyes were excited. Kona brought it to my mouth and said, “Say it …”.
My heart was pumping 120 beats! I softly told him, “Love”!
He punched me in the chest and said,
“I understand it takes so long to say a word! I fell in love with you from day one.”
What else! The story is over! (Are you in trouble because you don’t have a girlfriend? Don’t get in trouble.
(Cloud Boy)