world science

Science world: 69 moons of Jupiter

Science world: 69 moons of Jupiter

Telescopes are much more powerful in modern times, so astronomers have been able to discover two tiny new moons in the orbit of Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system.

The two new satellites are only 1 mile wide. Such a small moon is called ‘Moonlet’. As a result of this new discovery, the total number of moons on Jupiter stands at 69.

Researchers at the Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington, D.C., have discovered these two new moons using the Magellan-based refiller at the Las Campus Observatory in Chile. Named S / 2016 J1 and S / 2017 J1.

The discovery surprised scientists because they saw two moonlets on the solar system’s Jupiter while searching for objects outside the solar system.

In a statement to the Sky and Telescope, the head of the research team. Scott Sheppard said, ‘We were conducting our regular research in search of very distant objects outside the solar system, including Planet XO as the imaginary ninth planet in the solar system. Among them are two new moons of Jupiter, which had previously disappeared from the same area.

Both new moons orbit Jupiter in the opposite direction of its axis. Due to the feature of Jupiter’s plane rotating at high curvature, according to the researchers, these two new tiny moons are probably held by Jupiter, when they move very close to the planet’s gravitational pull.

The orbits of both moons are very wide and their position is far away from Jupiter. S / 2017 J1 is located at an average distance of 12,800,248 miles from Jupiter and S / 2016 J1 is located at an average distance of 14,602,223 miles from Jupiter.

The discovery led scientists to find some lost moons on Jupiter, and researchers believe more such moons could be found.

Dr. “We have a record of rescuing five lost moons so far,” Shepard said. Our new observations will probably find all the lost moons. ‘

Science world: 69 moons of Jupiter


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