The ‘heart-beat car’ will control the driver!

The ‘heart-beat car’ will control the driver
It has been heard and seen for so long that the driver controls the car. This time the car company Lexus has recently designed such a car. Which will control the reverse driver. This will reflect the driver’s heartbeat.
The driver’s heartbeat will be reflected in the electro-luminescent color on the outside of the car. Lexus has named one of their RCF models ‘Heartbeat Car’.
Lexus claims that the addition of biometric technology for the first time in the world will make the mental and physical bonds between the driver and the car visible. Lexus Australia’s M&C Sachi’s technical division and Lexus Australia have jointly worked on the Lexus Heartbeat car project.
Ben Cooper of Lexus Car M&C Sachi said the main purpose of adding biometric technology to the car is to connect the human body to the car. So that it reflects the mental state of the driver while driving.
Regarding the technical aspects of the car, Cooper said the car being tested with the technology has a heart rate sensor. What detects a heartbeat is sent wirelessly to a control board in the back of the car. This specially made board receives electrical signals and shows them through electro luminescent lamps.
Electro luminescent lamps work just as well as LED lights. This particular paint or paint contains phosphorescent material so that certain types of light can also be exhibited.
When this system does not work, the presence of such lights is not detected in the car. This system runs on a separate battery. This feature of heartbeat reflection may not be used in all Lexus cars.
The ‘heart-beat car’ will control the driver