What to do if the phone falls into the water

Phones in people’s hands at this time of technological advancement. There may be various problems while using this phone. One of which is that the phone inadvertently fell into the water. Many people do not know what to do if the phone falls into the water. Let’s find out what to do in this case-
1. If the phone falls into the water, first you have to remove the phone from the water. Many times it is seen that even if it falls into the water, the phone stays on. So you have to take it off the water.
2. After turning off the phone, the SIM card, memory card, battery of the phone should be removed from the phone.
3. After removing the battery, SIM card, memory card, the phone should be shaken well. It is often seen that when the phone falls into the water, water gets inside. So when the phone shakes well, the water inside comes out.
4. After shaking the phone, clean it thoroughly with a dry cloth and put the phone inside the rice bag at home. Keep the phone inside the rice bag for 24 hours.
5. Now when you take the phone out of the rice bag and turn it on, you will see that your phone is still active as before.