How To 5 tools that will find hidden URLs
How To 5 tools that will find hidden URLs
Nowadays, it is often seen that when you download software, the full setup file is not downloaded but the minor download file is given. In this way, open the small exe file again and then the original installer file is downloaded to your PC through the background download. This method is widely used nowadays because it reduces the pressure on the server of the download site. 5 tools that will find hidden URLs
But you also get more speed on the other hand. But every time you install software like this, you have to be connected to the internet and you have to download the file, again and again, to install it again and again. Because the original installer file is downloaded and the software is automatically installed and the file is automatically deleted.
You will need the background download link to save these background setup files for future reference. But you can’t do that in general! So how can you? That is why I have appeared before you today with this tune.
For example, I am mentioning Adobe Flash Player as an example. The size of the Flash Player setup file is 40 MB, but nowadays when you download the installer from the website, only a few hundred kilobytes of small installer file is downloaded and through that the original setup file of Flash Player needs to be downloaded and the original setup file cannot be saved for future.
You have to download the software again in the same way through the net to set up the flash player again. Today I have come up with some free tools to extract the download link of the original setup file from this background download or download from the installer. Using these, you can easily extract the download link of the original setup file from these background downloads or downloads from the installer with just a few clicks….
Most of the software nowadays is downloaded like Adobe Flash Player web installer. Where you can not save the original installer to your PC
URL Snooper:
URLSnooper is a packet monitor tool whose job is to copy full URL links from a web installer or webpage. This software extracts details links from web installers using WinPcap Capture Driver. After downloading and installing the tool. Extract the original URL from the web installer by following the steps below:
1. By default, this program will only copy links to multimedia files, you need to select File Menu> Andvanced> Show All to view all types of files.
2. Then click the Sniff Network button and the tool will start monitoring your PC URLs.
3. Now start a download by launching a web downloader.
4. If you double click on the Get exe file result option from the Protocol window below, the tool will copy the hidden download link and bring it to your browser.
5. Now save the link from the browser. Diameter!
HTTP Network Sniffer:
HTTPNetworkSniffer is a small portable tool whose job is to copy the HTTP links between a website and your PC and present them to you at an easy-to-view point. One of the features of this tool is that it does not require a WinpCap capture driver or any other extra drive to work.
1. First download the HTTP Network Sniffer tool.
2. Then open the tool, it will give you the option to choose the network capture meth. Choose any one from Raw / Winpcap / Network Adapter. If you do not want to install extra drivers, select Raw and click OK.
3. The program will now start capturing automatically. Now all you have to do is launch the web installer and copy the URL link from the tool’s result box!
Another feature of HTTPNetworkSniffer is that here you will find details of links (such as hostname, method, user agent, response code, string, content type, referrer, encoding, content length, etc.).
Free HTTP Sniffer:
Free HTTP Sniffer is for those who want to easily copy the link from the web installer. However, for this tool to work, you need to have the latest version of WinPcap Driver on your PC. Visit their official website to download the upgraded WinPcap Driver.
1. Turn on the free HTTP sniffer. Go to Options and select Only addresses sent by any computer for Sniffer Mode.
2. Then click the Start button. Now start the download by launching the web installer.
3. Then click on the Stop button and look at the result, you will see that many links have come. You can choose the original exe file and double-click it to copy and paste the link in the browser.
Socket sniffer:
You can also collect links from the web installer through the Socket Sniffer tools. However, using Snake Sniffer is a bit difficult because here UDP, ICMP, and TCP protocols give you results by mixing everything. Moreover, there is a problem in collecting links using IP address. However, for those who are advanced users of PC, this tool will be useful.
1. Socket Sniffer Hutch Portable Tools. So if you open the exe file directly, the program will start. This tool runs on the Raw Socket method so you don’t need to install any extra drivers.
2. Select the IP address of your network adapter from the drop-down menu at the top left. Then press the Start button. After running the web installer for a while, press the Stop button to see the results.
3. Check the results of the TCP protocol. If you copy and paste the Get line from the Host line as shown in the picture, you will get the link.
This means that the link will look like this:
4. To run Socket Sniffer, you need to have version 2.0 or higher of the .NET Framework installed on your PC.
Packet Viewer:
PactketViewer is another portable sniff tool that separates TCP links from TCP, UDP, ICMP protocols and brings you results. These tools also have string options. Using which we will see only the link of exe file in the result.
1. Turn on the tool and go to Options. Uncheck the Message Filter> No Filter option as shown above. Now close the window by typing.exe in the text box and clicking on the Apply button.
2. Now, as always, launch the web installer by clicking on the Start button of the Tools. After downloading for a while, if you click on the stop button of the tools, you will get the result as below.
3. Now you will get only the link with .exe in the result. Now your job is to copy the link from the Host and GET path.
You can easily extract the hidden link from web installers using these tools. Then from the link, you can save the installer directly to your PC for future use. So far today. And yes, don’t forget to leave your feedback in Tumente!