
Use your time. You will see that your life will gradually change.

In today’s article, I will tell you a story about the life of all of you. Which is something we ignore somewhere and that is time. Use your time. You will see that your life will gradually change. Once someone asks a guitarist how you can play such a good guitar.

Then the person says that if I don’t practice one day then I will realize that there is something wrong with me. And if I don’t practice for a week, my wife will tell me that there is something wrong with me.

And if I don’t practice for a month. Then all the people sitting here will come and tell me. That something has changed in you. Time is one of the things in life that we get for free.

But if we had to pay for it, maybe we would understand its value. But since we get time for free, we may not realize its value.

And if you need to understand the value of time, then listen to the next words a little better. If you want to understand the value of one year, go to that student and ask.

That he failed his exam and he is one year behind his friends. If anyone can really tell you the value of a year, that student tie can tell. And if you want to understand the value of one month, ask that person that he did not get his monthly salary.

Use your time

And if you want to understand the value of a day. Then ask the person polishing those shoes sitting on the street. If he found out the police wouldn’t let him sit here today. Then how will the stove of his house burn?

If you want to understand the value of an hour, ask that student. If that exam is one hour late. And if you want to understand the value of a minute. Then meet the guy who missed his train for a minute.

And many of you know the value of a second. Those who have never seen an accident in their life. Survived the accident and felt like I would have gone left if I hadn’t gone right.

Then maybe life would be gone. Someone sent me some pretty nice lines on WhatsApp. How strange is the man who prays and thinks that Allah is listening to him? And when he insults someone, he forgets.

When someone does a good deed, God is watching him. And when he does something wrong, he forgets. When a person gives, God sees him.

But when he steals, he forgets. When a man loves he thinks everything is made by Allah but when he hates he forgets. And we say that the most intelligent of human beings, everything starts from us and ends in us.

Use your time

Always remember one thing. Every human being in this world has just as much time as everyone else. It is up to you how you use it. People never waste time talking but people spend their time in all those activities. Which he should not have done.

I will make a request to all of you today whether you are a student or in any profession, you all and I will do a job every night.

Keep a small diary of what we will do tomorrow. And write down your day-to-day routine in advance. This will reduce your stress and make the right use of time. We may not be able to do some of the work on the list.

But no problem, when I create a routine, add the rest of the work. And if you do, your life is bound to change.

Finally, if you are not good, then you pretend to be good, then one day you will be really good.

I hope everyone understands everything. If there is a problem somewhere, you can comment or let me know on Facebook. I am on Facebook

Use your time. You will see that your life will gradually change



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