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Find out which are the 10 richest countries in the world?

Find out which are the 10 richest countries in the world?

The size of the country does not matter when the rich state is discussed. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) released a list of the richest countries in the world last April. The list is based on the per capita income of the people of the country.

That is, the total GDP of a country in a given fiscal year is divided by the number of people in that country. The list of richest countries is dominated by less populous countries. The reason behind this is that foreign workers work in less populous countries.

Which is added to the GDP of those countries. But those workers are not considered as the people of the country.

Qatar is at the top of the list of the richest countries in the world. The per capita annual income of the people of the country is 1 lakh 26 thousand 702 US dollars. Which is about 1 crore 8 lakh 39 thousand rupees.

List of rich countries-

            Country ———————–Per capita income

(In US dollars)

1. Qatar – —————–128,702
2. Macau ——————122,489
3. Luxembourg ———–110,870
4. Singapore ————–98,014
5. Ireland ——————79,924
6. Brunei ——————79,726
7. Norway —————–74,065
8. Arab Emirates ———-68,602
9. Kuwait ——————66,673
10. Hong Kong————64,533


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Source: Business Insider

Find out which are the 10 richest countries in the world?


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