This time a shepherd robot is being made.

This time a shepherd robot is being made. An Australian professor has created such a robot. Which will be able to keep an eye on the cattle grazing in the field.
Salah Sukariyeh, a professor of robotics at the University of Sydney, thinks that as shepherds age, their capacity decreases. Robots may be the appropriate solution in this case.
According to the Australian Farm Institute, the average age of farmers in the country is 52 years.
The robot that Sukariyeh made has four wheels. Will run on electricity and solar energy. Walk around the field and keep an eye on the animals with the help of cameras. In addition, the robot will use thermal sensors and infrared technology.
In this way, you will be able to know by collecting information and analyzing video footage. Whether any animal is limping. There will be a radio tag. This will be caught only if there is a difference in their body temperature.
It will also store all the information about the size of the field, the condition of the grass, and the color. That robot shepherd. As a result, the farm owner will understand when to send the animals to any part of the field.
And no human is needed to run this robot. It will run automatically. If people need to take care of an animal, the message will reach the farm owner.
Professor Sukariyeh plans to start experimental use of the robot later this year.
Farm owners are also optimistic about such robots. Because, such a robot can accompany animals 24 hours a day.
Michael Kelsey, executive vice president of the Oklahoma Farm Owners Association of the United States, said the robot would help catch thieves. The use of remote-controlled flying vehicles or drones to look after domestic animals has already begun.