Mobile Tips

Don’t do anything while paying mobile charges

Don’t do anything while paying mobile charges

Don’t do anything while charging your mobile,

❐ Never use the phone while charging !!

To use a battery saver I would suggest using “DU battery saver pro” !!

Do not use more than one antivirus or battery saver, it may slow down your phone!

Do not keep the phone on charge all night !!

❐ Keep the charger open as soon as it is 100% !!

❐ After 20-25%, use the battery and charge it !!

❐ live wallpaper ‚vibration, auto-brightness, phone lock use these less! So that the battery drains very little !!

Use After using the phone, use clean master or cleaner app at Kore charge !!

❐ If airplane mode is on, the charge will be done quickly !!

Before opening the charger, first, open it from the socket !!

Don’t talk about that charge !!

Never listen to music with that charge !!

Don’t paying mobile charges


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